What Is A Sports Rehabilitator?

By Alex Ryan

Sports Rehabilitator

What exactly does a sports rehabilitator do? Find out how they get people of all ages and backgrounds back to fitness after illness or injury

What Is A Sports Rehabilitator?

A Sports Rehabilitator is a musculoskeletal practitioner who helps people suffering from injury or illness. Sports rehabilitators help people of all ages and backgrounds (sporting or non-sporting) maintain their health and fitness, and recover from and prevent injury through using exercise, movement and manual therapy-based interventions to reduce pain and improve function. They will use clinical reasoning to tailor a recovery plan to return you to optimum function and physical activity. You can expect your Sport Rehabilitator to integrate advice, education and rehabilitation into all aspects of your life.

Sports Rehabilitators will use evidence-based therapeutic interventions and exercise with the plan being constantly monitored and modified when needed.  This could include exercise rehabilitation, graded activity, manual therapy, biomechanical assessments and modification, workplace assessment and modification, massage, taping / bracing and advice. 

Sport Rehabilitators will use a complete approach, considering the whole needs of the individual to allow optimal recovery and placing the patient at the centre of their own care.

Sports Rehabilitators are often the choice practitioner for demanding roles in the Ministry of Defence due to their focus surrounding biomechanics, active exercise rehabilitation and returning people to high levels of function. They are also employed in other large organisations such as the NHS, the FA, Team GB and others!

BASRaT registered Sport Rehabilitators complete an accredited three year BSc honours degree or an accredited Masters degree. BASRaT’s register is accredited by the PSA (Professional Standards Authority), the UK’s top medical regulator. All registered Sport Rehabilitators have comprehensive insurance, a current first aid qualification and follow strict standards for the management of medical records and appropriate referral to other members of the healthcare team.

All accredited Sport Rehabilitators are listed on BASRaT’s register and must comply to strict professional standards.

Our sports rehabilitator here at Blue Sky will work closely with the physiotherapists, podiatrist, surgeons, GP’s, nutritionist and other practitioners to create the best possible environment to allow you to recover from your injury and thrive in your chosen activities. Whether it’s walking the dog or running an ultra marathon, our multi-disciplinary team will give you the best chance to allow you to thrive.